TERPENOX, Epoxidation of terpenes with dioxygen

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Start date : 01 / 02 / 2021

End date : 31 / 01 / 2023

FEDER financing :

Total project budget: €355589,07

Amount of total FEDER financing: €284471,25

Amount of financing other than FEDER total: €35 (Region) €558,91 (State)

Presentation, objective(s):

The TERPENOX project aimed to valorize the terpene molecules present in the majority of quantities in certain essential oils via the oxidation reaction, favoring the formation of epoxides. In chemistry, oxidation is one of the most commonly used reactions, but the processes involved today need to be “revisited” in the context of sustainable chemistry, notably with the implementation of catalytic processes and using clean oxidants. The project therefore focused on essential oils that can be produced in Reunion from agricultural or agro-industrial products and co-products, namely essential oils of citrus fruits (tangor, mandarin, lemon, clementine), ginger, ginger. mango, pink berries, etc. These essential oils mainly contain a fraction of non-oxygenated molecules and a possible valorization route is their transformation into oxygenated compounds for the cosmetics and perfumery industries.

The partners of the operation

  1. CHEMBIOPRO (Laboratory of Chemistry and Biotechnology of Natural Products), University of La Réunion, France.
  2. 2. IPCM (Paris Institute of Molecular Chemistry) UMR-CNRS 8232, Sorbonne University, France. Researchers involved: Richard VILLANEAU (MCF-HDR), Hélène GERARD (Pr)

The website

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