The Reunion Atmospheric Physics Observatory certified
This Tuesday, November 29, Reunion became a reference point for the world in terms of weather and climatological observation: the Reunion Atmosphere Physics Observatory (OPAR), joined the very restricted circle of 30 observatories of world reference by receiving the WMO-GAW Global label from the World Meteorological Organization.
Around twenty researchers, teacher-researchers, engineers and technicians from the Réunion Atmospheric Physics Observatory (OPAR) constantly monitor climate variables from three observation sites: the Moufia university campus, the Gillot station (Météo-France) and the Maïdo atmospheric observatory. The geographical location of the latter site (altitude, geographical position in the lee of the trade winds, atmospheric currents, etc.) gives it unique advantages for monitoring the tropical climate of the Southern Hemisphere.

Due to its ideal altitude, it is one of the rare observatories in the world allowing the analysis of atmospheric composition on a large scale at night (climatic dimension), and on a small scale during the day (local natural and anthropogenic emissions).
Thanks in particular to these assets, the OPAR was awarded the WMO-GAW Global label from the World Meteorological Organization, already awarded to around thirty observatories around the world due to the reliability, scientific interest and sustainability of their measurements.
Scientifically managed by the LACy (Laboratory of the Atmosphere and Cyclones) with the collaboration of other European laboratories, the Maïdo observatory is managed by the Observatory of Sciences of the Universe in Reunion (OSUR) which covers all disciplines relating to the sciences of the universe in the broad sense. It brings together, at the University of La Réunion, research units that are members of OSU, associated laboratories or teams, and observation stations. The main supervisory bodies of OSU-Réunion are the University of Reunion, INSU-CNRS et Meteo France.
The WMO-GAW Global label
The WMO-GAW Global (Global Atmosphere Watch) label is awarded by the World Meteorological Organization, a specialized agency of the United Nations which is an authority on the state and behavior of the Earth's atmosphere, its interaction with the oceans, the climate resulting from it and the resulting distribution of water resources.
The WMO promotes cooperation for the establishment of networks enabling meteorological, climatological, hydrological and geophysical observations and alerts to be carried out. In this context, it is equipped with a network of regional and global reference observatories. Only 30 observatories benefit from the global label, including the last one identified, OPAR. The scientific data thus collected makes it possible to monitor the health of the planet and the evolution of its climate: a major issue whose regular global deadlines are the United Nations conferences on climate change (COP, Conference of the Parties), the last ( COP 27) taking place in mid-November 2022.