The Ministry of Overseas Reception receives the Franco-German Office for Youth

This round table was an opportunity to discuss and question Franco-German relations overseas.

With the exception of the promotion of tourism, geographical distance and the socio-economic context remain obstacles to the development of trade with Germany.

The challenge now, and in the medium term, is to develop an integrated youth policy which increases exposure to the German language, both at all levels of education, from primary to university, and within non-formal education partnerships: sports, culture, networks or school-business partnerships.

The University of Reunion plays a key role in carrying out Franco-German exchanges. In close collaboration with the Academy of Reunion, it has succeeded in developing, thanks to the investment in German teaching and the establishment of solid networks, a lasting cultural interaction with German educational institutions and organizations, including the OFAJ, the DAAD and the UFA, which allows students to benefit from numerous exchange and mobility offers with Germany.

On this occasion, Ludivine AUBRAS, a former student from the town of Port and who completed her Bachelor's and Master's studies at the University of Reunion, was invited to participate in this round table of the Ministry of Overseas Territories.

Miss AUBRAS participated in various mobility programs, such as ERASMUS and PEA of the DAAD, in Germany, and was also a France Mobil reader for two years in Leipzig. His presence made it possible to share his experience with all the members present but also to perpetuate the existing relations and exchanges between France and Germany.

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