The University of La Réunion, Crédit Agricole de La Réunion – Mayotte and the Village by CA Réunion join forces for students
This Tuesday, September 5, in the presence of Frédéric MIRANVILLE, President of the University of La Réunion, Didier GRAND, General Manager of Crédit Agricole de La Réunion – Mayotte and Elisabeth PEGUILLAN, General Director of Village by CA Réunion, the three entities have renewed and amplified the partnership that unites them for three years. Thus materializing the renewed desire to implement actions contributing to promote a inclusive society, respectful and proud of its singularities, open to the world and resilient.
The parties thus intend to work together to improve the future of the region's youth. Three priority areas of common interest have been targeted:
- Develop guidance, training and professional integration for Reunion youth : internships, work-study campaign, organization of job dating;
- Promote research, innovation, creativity and entrepreneurial spirit among young people in the region : collaboration between entities on calls for projects, support for researchers, promotion of innovations in the form of start-ups, awareness of entrepreneurship;
- Strongly reaffirm the effectiveness of joint public/private action in the fight against student precariousness : consolidate the solidarity grocery store and expand the shared garden on the Moufia campus, creation of a solidarity shop in the form of a food truck for students from the south, partnership with farmers.