The University of Reunion presents its training strategy to the Minister Delegate for Overseas Territories

What are the training needs in our territory? Gathered at the initiative of Mr. FILIPPINI this Thursday, February 16, Prefect of Reunion, the participants in the training were able to discuss this topic with Mr. CARENCO. A time of sharing which will have allowed us to present our strategy of adapting the training offer to the needs of companies, in particular.

Since its creation 40 years ago, due to its insularity and the socio-economic specificities of the territory, the University of Reunion's training strategy has faced a triple challenge:

  • Be part of a multidisciplinary dynamic through continuous diversification of its training offering in order to offer significant graduation potential;
  • Gradually increase its reception capacity, particularly in the first cycle, so as to be able to accommodate all young people wishing to enroll in further study in the region;
  • Respond to the challenges and skills needs of local stakeholders and more specifically businesses.

On this last point, Frédéric MIRANVILLE specifies: “Our establishment has continually evolved its training offering to encourage the opening of increasingly professional courses allowing people to understand the company's professions, acquire the know-how essential to mastering an activity and thus increase the employability of students”.

This dynamic is characterized in particular by a certain number of achievements:

  • Creation of a Lifelong Training Department and a Apprentice Training Center ;
  • Significant increase in the number of diplomas in apprenticeship/alternation and continuing education (Professional licenses, DUT then BUT, Masters, DU, etc.);
  • A new training offer built from blocks of skills in order to best meet the skills needs of organizations.

The University of Reunion is part of a logic of territorial anchoring and rebalancing and wishes to continue to promote the strong existing network between our teaching teams and the socio-economic environment. 

From left to right, Frédéric MIRANVILLE, president of the University of Reunion, and Jean-François CARENCO, Minister of Overseas Territories
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