The winners of Kap Entrepreneurship, 2024 edition!
KAP Entrepreneurship is a competition created in 2020, thanks to a collaboration between the University of La Réunion, Nugget Reunion and Réunion Technopole. It aims to stimulate and bring out innovative projects.
This competition is dedicated exclusively to students. It starts from the observation that at present, and too often, in business creation competitions, students find themselves lost in a mass of more experienced project leaders.
The Technopole, which regularly holds competitions for innovative business creation, requested the Pépite Réunion which brought all its engineering in terms of raising awareness of student entrepreneurship and project management.
Varied profiles
At the end of the call for projects which lasted 1 month, 16 complete files were received. Subsequently, a first selection of 10 files was made with a view to participating in the final.
The profiles of participating students are varied: 46% come from an engineering school (ESIROI), 29% from a bachelor's degree, 13% from a master's degree, 8% from a doctorate, and 4% from a baccalaureate.
In order to prepare our students, a pitch training session was carried out on April 3, 2024 by a project manager from La Technopole.
This final is organized with 5 jury members from the academic world and the world of entrepreneurship:
- Dr Teddy LIBELLE: Director of the Student Entrepreneurship Service of La Réunion (S2ER)
- Mr. Laurent GABORIAU: General Director of the Technopole de La Réunion
- Mr. Frédéric AURE: Director of the Regional Chamber of Social and Solidarity Economy of Réunion (CRESS)
- Mr. Philippe BOCQUET: Director of the Réunion School of Management and Commerce (CCIR)
- Mr. Fabrice MAROUVIN: Elected to the CCIR Training
- Ms. Solange MARTINET: FUNDINGS OI – Expert in public financing
3 projects awarded
At the end of the day, 3 projects were finally rewarded during an awards ceremony, in the presence of the Provisional Administrator of the University of Reunion, Professor Jacques COMBY.
The following prizes were awarded:
- Favorite Prize, awarded by the Provisional Administrator of the University of Reunion: XXXXXXXX
- Innovation Prize awarded by the Technopole de La Réunion:
- Sustainable Development Prize awarded by the elected representative of the CCIR: XXXXXXXX
Favorite prize: “Gran zenfan” project
Creation of a snack based on local fruits and vegetables from Reunion Island such as 4 flavors will be offered to consumers. These 4 flavors will be associated with 4 specific pencil colors.
The product will have a fun aspect in order to encourage children to consume more fruits and vegetables in their daily intake.
Finally, this product is intended for on-the-go consumption, suitable so that children can take it and consume it outside the home at any time of the day.
The winners: Laïka FIRDA, Chaïn NOURMOHAMED, Honorine PITCHE, Torénika SOILIHI
Training: ESIROI – 1st year agri-food engineer cycle and L3 agri-food engineer
Prizes: free registration for the S2ER Entrepreneurship DU

Sustainable development prize: BEE Fresh project
It is a system which will be marketed in the form of a passive cooling system which can be “plugged” onto a wall.
The system consists of terracotta tubes over which water would flow.
The winners: Julien PIALA and Julien THUMEREL
Their training: ESIROI – 1st year engineer cycle specializing in building energy
Prizes: Voucher valid for web marketing training

Innovation prize: SCIMU project
It is a project which aims to develop an electronic card system to make instrumentation, and therefore smart city initiatives, more accessible. Based on modular sensors and IoT connectivity, this solution will offer great flexibility. Areas of application may include: weather, indoor and outdoor comfort, transport, as well as intelligent management of irrigation for a purpose
optimization of uses.
The winners: Alexandre LEFEVRE and Toky RAKOTOARIVELO
Their training: Doctoral students in Building Physics
Prizes: Voucher valid for training in mobile reporting