#UR40 – Day 5 – End of this anniversary week

It's the end of the conference for the University of Reunion whose anniversary week ends today.

A look back at these three days of the conference

Signature of agreement with the Ministry of the Armed Forces

The unemployment rate in Reunion is 2,5 times higher than the European average according to INSEE.

To address this observation, the University of Reunion, and more particularly the Directorate of Orientation and Training for Professional Integration (DOFIP), is offering a Military Leadership Period (PML) in partnership with the Recruitment Group and Overseas Selection.

The PML allows a one-week immersion in real conditions. A real opportunity, which is offered to students to develop their skills but also to promote professional integration.

Indeed, after this innovative internship, learners may be eligible for command positions (non-commissioned officer or officer contracts) within the army.

A springboard to boost student careers and position the University of Reunion as a vector of professional integration.

A conference full of discussions, to watch and rewatch online on our YouTube channel

DAY 1 – Opening of the “Universities and transitions” conference, and first round tables on the themes of training and digital technology

DAY 2 – Days of round tables on the themes of research, international, continuing education and influence strategies

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