Doctoral schools Human and social sciences – ED 541
Doctoral School 541 SHS (“Human and Social Sciences”) was born from the division in 2011 of the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School of the University of Reunion into two Doctoral Schools. It relies on and collaborates with eight research laboratories located in Reunion Island and maintains privileged links with the OSOI Research Federation (Observatory of Indian Ocean Societies) of the University. The list of these laboratories is available here. It encompasses a very broad thematic scope: literature, law, history, geography, sociology, anthropology, languages, information and communication sciences, economics and management.
Our Doctoral School has a significant opening to the outside world. It has established multiple and varied partnerships with research organizations based on the island, notably the CIRAD (Centre for international cooperation in agricultural research for development), theINSEE (National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies) and theIRD (Research Institute for Development). She also participates in the Doctoral College “Language, Plurality and Development” led by theUniversity Association of the Francophonie (AUF), welcomes foreign doctoral students each year, and establishes registrations under joint supervision and co-direction with research centers and metropolitan universities (CNRS Montpellier, Ecole Nationale des Chartes de Paris, EHESS, INRA Avignon, National Museum of Natural History of Paris, as well as the universities of Lille, Paris, Pau, Poitiers and Rouen) and abroad (Canada, Comoros, Mauritius, Madagascar, etc.).
The ED SHS's mission is to organize the training of doctoral students and help them prepare for their professional future. In order to best equip doctoral students for the upcoming competition on the job market, the educational policy of the ED SHS is based on reinforced supervision throughout their entire course in disciplinary, interdisciplinary and extradisciplinary fields, and this, while ensuring good cohesion of training. The means implemented to promote excellence and the regional, national and international influence of doctoral students mainly include:
- Interdisciplinary teaching, intended not only to ensure epistemological and methodological training for doctoral students complementary to that acquired within the laboratories but also to build a school spirit;
- Professional training allowing a better understanding of the issues of public and private structures;
- A rapprochement of laboratories, and therefore doctoral students, with the socio-economic world and civil society;
- Promoting increased participation of doctoral students in conferences and scientific events;
- Participation in the organization of days and seminars, particularly in the form of Doctoriales.
The SHS Doctoral School offers its doctoral students training aimed at preparing them on the one hand for the writing and defense of their thesis and on the other hand for their professional integration.
This training is complementary to the supervision of the thesis director and reception in a laboratory.
These training courses are presented in the Training plan. Doctoral students must validate ECTS to be able to defend their thesis:
• 60 credits for the thesis/defense
• 120 credits for training and/or research activities
In accordance with article 3 of the judgment of 25/05/2016 which governs doctoral studies, the ED SHS council adopted the following provision: “doctoral students who have registered for the first time in thesis in the 'ED SHS at the University of Reunion after the 1er September 2016 will only be able to submit part 1 of the defense of their thesis on the condition of having followed training in scientific integrity or research ethics.” Also, the applicant must have participated in at least one training course organized by the ED SHS or any other structure (part 1 must then be accompanied by proof of training completion).
For information, two MOOCs are available on FUN (France Université Numérique): “scientific integrity in research professions” set up by the University of Bordeaux (MOOC open all year round, accessible by this link) and “research ethics” created by the University of Lyon (MOOC open only at certain times of the year, accessible by this link).
– the system will only apply to new doctoral students (D1) and from 2015-2016;
– full-time employees: 20 credits payable over the 3 years of thesis;
– part-time employees: 30 credits payable over the 3 years of thesis;
– students on a doctoral contract or beneficiaries of a regional research allowance are not considered “employees”;
– for students “outside Réunion”, case-by-case treatment is retained.
A guide directing you to ADUM is available for download on this document.
The ECTS validation procedure on ADUM:
- Log in to your personal space on ADUM
- Training (on the right of your screen)
- Non-catalog training
- Add non-catalogue training
- Please complete the following
- Download proof of training/activity
- Save and send my request
What is a doctoral contract?
Created by decree of April 23, 2009, and modified by decree of August 29, 2016, the doctoral contract allows young researchers to finance the preparation of a doctoral thesis.
It is a unique contract which can be used indifferently by universities and research organizations with the status of public scientific and technological establishment.
It is open to any doctoral student registered in the first year of their thesis for less than one year on the start date of the doctoral contract.
Lasting three years, it provides the social guarantees of an employment contract, in accordance with public law. In addition, the employer undertakes to provide the contractual doctoral student with the supervision and training necessary to carry out their missions.
Conditions for applying for a doctoral contract
Holder of a European Master 2 with a diploma deemed equivalent serving as a basis for validation of acquired knowledge.
No age and nationality requirements.
Calendar of the Doctoral Contract campaign – 2022 session
Launch of the campaign on Monday June 27, 2022 to Friday August 26 inclusive
Friday August 26 at 12:00 p.m. (Meeting time): deadline for submitting the file on the ADUM platform.
Week 36 – September 5 to 9 (to be confirmed) : Hearing of candidates and examination of applications by the Council of the Doctoral School ED541 Human and Social Sciences.
2e fortnight September 2022: Display and sending of results (proposal from the President of the University of La Réunion). You have the obligation from you register administratively so that your contract is established by HR as soon as possible.
Applicant filee
- Copies of bachelor's and master's degrees or equivalents
- Copies of License (L1, L2 and L3) and Master (M1, M2) transcripts
- CV
- Research project
- For teachers or other employees on availability: certificate of availability for the period concerned To help you, a tutorial:
In accordance with the decree of May 25, 2016 establishing the national training framework and the modalities leading to the delivery of the national doctoral diploma:
- the thesis director cannot participate in meetings of a thesis monitoring committee;
- thesis monitoring committees are obligatory for all doctoral students, regardless of the year of their first registration;
- the committee is composed of the director of the research unit on the proposal of the thesis director;
- the committee includes at least the doctoral student and two people, holders of a Doctorate for at least two years, currently active or with an Emeritus degree, including at least one from outside the doctoral student's research unit;
- the committee meets once a year from the first year of the thesis;
- any request for re-registration in a thesis must be accompanied by a duly completed attachment;
- the committee meeting may, if necessary, be held by videoconference.
According to the decree, the doctoral student must first discuss with the members of his monitoring committee (without his thesis director). The form will be completed solely on the basis of this interview. Following this discussion, a time for discussion between all stakeholders (the doctoral student, the monitoring committee and the thesis director) can take place to allow the thesis director not to be completely excluded from the discussions.
To conclude, here are some elements relating to the committee calendar for the 2022/2023 academic year:
- the composition of the thesis monitoring committee must be completed on the doctoral student’s ADUM profile before November 30, 2022,
- except for first-time doctoral students, there are no constraints relating to the date of the thesis monitoring committee meeting;
Download the thesis monitoring committee form
From the 2ème, riding a 3nd year, registration must be renewed between September 1 and November 30, including :
– when the first registration took place late
– for doctoral students outside the department or abroad
– within the framework of a joint supervision agreement and therefore exempt from payment of registration fees.
Doctoral students defending their thesis between September et December of an academic year, are covered by their registration in the previous academic year and do not have to re-register.
Beyond the 3rd registration request, extensions of the thesis preparation period are possible, as an exception. The report of the thesis monitoring committee will be accompanied by a request to the attention of the President.