Research support
The Department of Support for Research, Innovation, Valorization and Partnerships (DRIVE) has taken a fundamental turn in recent years: that of combining support for the daily administrative and financial management of laboratories, and support for researchers. in the search for funding and the valorization of their results, while ensuring the promotion of a strong territorial and societal anchoring of research.
It brings together several services covering a wide range of missions in support of the establishment's research:
Support for administrative and financial management of laboratories
The DRIVE ensures the implementation of the scientific policy and the development of the establishment's research activities (management of the research commission, development and management of the research budget, coordination of the research component of the establishment contract). She leads the network of research unit managers and puts in place the tools and procedures necessary for the administrative and financial management of budgets and grants and their justification.
Project engineering
The two main missions of the project engineering service (SING) are the identification of grant programs (Europe, State, Region, etc.) and the support of researchers in the formalization of their grant applications in compliance with the requirements and rules specific to each program.
Each year, SING supports the submission of around sixty financing requests for an amount of around 30 million euros.
Partnerships and research promotion
The partnerships and valorization service (SPV) is involved in the formalization of public-private partnerships (negotiation and support for the drafting of agreements), the management of the patent portfolio and the socio-economic valorization of results (protection of results and transfer to the socio-economic world). An entry point for socio-economic actors looking for scientific collaborations, this service has a constantly increasing business volume (more than €1M in 2019).
Scientific mediation
The scientific mediation service facilitates the engagement of research teams and students to keep the science-society dialogue alive. It sets up events and systems to offer researchers a framework to share their knowledge and methods with as many people as possible. Friendly and adapted to different audiences, these events allow our scientific community to learn from the point of view of civil society.
DRIVE also has a person in charge of the European FORWARD project, which aims to strengthen the participation of research and innovation stakeholders from outermost regions in research framework programs, including the Horizon Europe program (2021-2027). .
Doctoral schools
Finally, DRIVE provides administrative support to doctoral schools. The Sciences, Technologies and Health and Human and Social Sciences doctoral schools have the mission of research training, each in their own disciplinary field. They are responsible for the scientific policy of doctoral training.
As such, questions relating to registrations and validation of acquired knowledge in the 3rd cycle, the awarding of doctoral contracts, compliance with the thesis charter, and thesis defenses fall within their competence.