The equality service
Our projects
The strategy carried out by the University of La Réunion for the years 2016-20 must make it possible to guarantee compliance with current laws on equality, to contribute to developing a culture of equality on the campus and the territory, to count the establishment among the most advanced at the national level, to fight against discrimination and to support people who are victims of sexism, sexual harassment or sexual violence.
Both unifying and transversal, the Pole's main missions are to:
- defend the principles of parity and equality at all levels of the University;
- contribute to a better balance between personal and professional life, in particular by taking into consideration parenting issues;
- support staff and students who are victims of sex, sexual harassment or sexual violence;
- organize and participate in training and awareness-raising actions to promote equality, value diversity and promote the inclusion of all;
- improve the reception and study/working conditions of people with disabilities;
- promote diversity of paths and diversity in sectors;
- encourage the development of a training offer integrating gender issues;
- support research on gender, diversity and discrimination;
- build partnerships at local, national and European level to advance equality.
Our team
- Patricia DUCRET, Deputy Vice-President in charge of Gender Equality and Disability.
- Philippe BANNET, Director of the Equality Service
- Céline TINET, Disability Mission Manager
- Billy THOMONT, Administrative management assistant and steering assistance
- Marie-Edwige PRUGNIERES, Mission Disability Coordinator South Branch
- Willy VITRY, Assistant to the Student Disability Mission