Health centers

In order to respond to a growing need in terms of health, the University of Reunion wanted to complete its prevention offer by opening two health centers dedicated to students: one on the Moufia campus and one on the campus of Buffer.

This is the first and only overseas SSE to host a health center for its students!

University students can, in addition to preventive medicine consultations and health promotion actions, benefit without advance payment, thanks to third-party payment (free on mandatory presentation of the vital card and/or mutual insurance card). day), general medicine consultations, nursing care and psychological consultations.

Requests for general medicine procedures during the compulsory medical examination will also be subject to third-party billing. Certain necessary examinations may also be billed (ECG, etc.)

The absence or insufficiency of health coverage should not be a barrier to access to care. Health professionals will receive you and/or direct you to the appropriate structures if necessary. 

Consult the SSE reception hours

In health centers, doctors can welcome you during of a general medicine consultation. 

Consultations are done by appointment only contact the SUMPPS secretariat/health center on your campus by going to reception or by telephone. For contact details click here.


PLEASE NOTE: Health center doctors do not replace your treating doctor who remains your doctor of reference and who follows you.

During consultations, I must provide:

  • my health card
  • my mutual insurance card or complementary mutual insurance certificate
  • my student card
  • my vaccination card

For international students:

  • the European health insurance card and provisional certificate issued by the insured person's affiliation body

Medical certificate

Our doctors can issue a certain number of medical certificates. To do this, you will need to make an appointment with the secretariat of your campus health center because a prior medical consultation is mandatory.


Doctors do not issue a certificate (civil act unrelated to medical function).

Our doctors can deliver (non-exhaustive list): 

  • The certificate of no contraindication to sports practice. This certificate is generally valid for 3 years. So just keep a copy so you can reuse it.
  • Certificates of fitness for community life, fitness for internships, etc. (bring your vaccination record) as part of your university course. Your attending physician can also issue you with this certificate.
  • The vaccination certificate. Don't forget to bring your vaccination card. Your attending physician can also issue you with this certificate.
  • The certificate requested for the CROUS for scholarship renewals (medical event justifying non-appearance for exams or lack of attendance).

PLEASE NOTE: wearing a mask is mandatory within SUMPPS premises.

Whatever the reason for your visit to SUMPPS, have with you your vital card (or your certificate of rights), your mutual certificate and your student card. 

Please arrive 5 minutes before your appointment time.


For all health problems falling within the scope of their skills, nurses are available to assist you on both campuses. They welcome you without an appointment!

They provide, on medical prescription, all nursing care: removal of stitches, dressings, injections, blood pressure measurement, etc.

The nurses provide first aid and are also available for listening and health advice.

For more information, contact the SUMPPS secretariat/health center on your campus.

For contact details click here.

PLEASE NOTE: wearing a mask is mandatory within SUMPPS premises.

Whatever the reason for your visit to SUMPPS, have with you your vital card (or your certificate of rights), your mutual certificate and your student card. 

Please arrive 5 minutes before your appointment time.


The psychologists at the health center can meet you for an appointment for follow-up after an initial consultation with a SSE doctor. 

The appointment with the doctor allows the evaluation of your request. Depending on the problems expressed, the doctor will suggest the most appropriate referral, whether to the SUMPPS psychologist, to internal resources at the health center or to psychologists and/or external structures.

The first meeting with the psychologist allows for an evaluation defining the implementation of short or medium-term follow-up.

Interviews are individual, by appointment and upon presentation of your student card.

In the event of an emergency, and if no appointment is available quickly, our nurses and doctors are there to welcome you, listen to you and provide you with initial support.

We can also offer you the opportunity to benefit from the “Student Psy Health” system. Any student registered in higher education can, upon prescription from their attending physician or a doctor from the health center, meet a liberal psychologist for follow-up of up to 8 sessions without having to pay upfront.

For more information on this device click here.

For more information or to make an appointment with a psychologist, contact the SUMPPS secretariat/health center on your campus.

Consult timetables and contact details.

Whatever the reason for your visit to the SSE, have your health insurance card (or your certificate of entitlement), your mutual insurance certificate and your student card with you. 

Please arrive 5 minutes before your appointment time.


Closure of health centers

  • Weekends & holidays
  • Christmas holidays: from December 19, 2024 to January 12, 2025 inclusive.
  • Southern winter holidays: from July 18, 2025 to August 17, 2025 inclusive.

When health centers are closed:

In case of emergency, dial 15 or 112 from a mobile or 114 (emergency call number for people with difficulty hearing or speaking, by fax or SMS).

If necessary, consult a doctor, contact your GP or SOS Médecins in Saint Denis (02 62 97 44 44) or SOS CliniSud in Tampon (02 62 15 02 02).

Whatever the reason for your visit to the SSE, have your health insurance card (or your certificate of entitlement), your mutual insurance certificate and your student card with you. 

Please arrive 5 minutes before your appointment time.


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