Preventive medecine

The Student Health Service (SSE) is a service of the University of La Réunion made up of health professionals responsible for supporting students on medical, psychological and social levels throughout their university studies.

Presentation of the SSE Moufia
Presentation of the SSE Tampon

The SSE team is made up of doctors, psychologists, nurses, a social worker and administrative staff. The entire team is available to students to answer questions about contraception, Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), risks related to addictions (tobacco, alcohol, drugs, etc.), nutrition, vaccination, etc. It can also support and refer students to specialized services.

In accordance with decree no. 2019-112 of February 18, 2019, the SSE's mission is to organize preventive medicine and health promotion for university students.

The service offers medical and psychological consultations, nursing care, preventive or specific “Health Meeting” visits related to disabilities, interviews with a social worker, STI screenings, well-being workshops, discussion groups, etc. The SSE also organizes information and prevention activities on various health topics.

Our main mission is to meet the health needs of the student population

  • By welcoming and listening
  • Through access to care adapted to a “young adult” population
  • Through individual or collective care

The SSE's multidisciplinary team is available to students and welcomes you both on the Moufia and Tampon campuses.

Within the SSE, different types of preventive medicine consultations are offered. These are carried out by a doctor and/or a nurse.

According to decree n°2019-112 of February 18, 2019, the SSE receives students in the following framework:

Visit “Health check”

This is a global health examination (medical-psycho-social). As an indication, the health check generally lasts between 30 minutes and 1 hour. Don't forget your health record.

It includes an individual and confidential interview (lifestyle, medical history, progress of studies, etc.), anthropometric measurements, tests (weight, height, blood pressure, visual tests, etc.) and a clinical examination.

Depending on the elements collected, the assessment can be completed by prescribing biological tests, proposing a vaccination update or a specialist consultation, etc.

Medical examination for foreign students (non-EU) new arrivals in France

Have you just arrived in France and would like to have a complete health examination? (free). 

In addition to a traditional clinical examination, you will be able to have access to screening examinations and, if necessary, an update of your vaccinations (diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis-poliomyelitis, hepatitis B, measles-mumps-rubella, etc.).

As part of screening for tuberculosis, for example, you will be offered a chest x-ray.

Health advice and information, and on the health system in France, can also be given to you by our service.

Medical examination intended for students exposed to particular risks (specific training)

Depending on the training in which you are registered, you may be invited to make an appointment for a medical examination.

Consultation for accommodation in a situation of disability or disabling illness

Do you have a disability, permanent or temporary, visible or invisible?

Do you suffer from a debilitating illness that impacts the progress of your studies?

Make an appointment with one of the SSE doctors to obtain a medical opinion regarding adjustments to the curriculum and/or exams after assessing the impact of your disability or illness on your education. You must bring with you to your visit a copy of your medical documents relating to your situation as well as the SSE medical form to be completed by your doctor.

Consultation for contraception and/or for emergency contraception

Health staff welcome you for all your questions about contraception. They are authorized to prescribe contraception and provide you with emergency contraception called the morning after pill. You can also take a pregnancy test.

Gynecology consultation

At certain times of the year, consultations by a gynecology intern may be offered. They allow, among other things, to obtain information on sexuality, different contraceptives, sexually transmitted infections, etc. 

Dietary consultation 

Advice on balanced diet, excess weight, special diet, food intolerances, familial diabetes, etc. Individual consultations by appointment and/or dietary workshops are offered throughout the year.

Vaccination (excluding COVID-19):

Depending on official recommendations, personal risks and vaccinations already carried out, we can advise carrying out or updating certain vaccinations.

Special cases for health students: having to intervene in a healthcare environment, remember to have your compulsory vaccinations checked before your internships.

Vaccinations are carried out on request on strict medical prescription (bring your vaccine and prescription).

Don't forget your vaccination card!

Screening for STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections)

Once a week, and without having to make an appointment, you can come and get tested anonymously and free in the SSE premises.


Listening, support and advice are offered to you by health professionals.

The consultations listed above are free and by appointment.

Appointments can only be made with the SSE secretariat on your campus or by telephone. 

To find the telephone number of the secretariat and the location of the SSE on both campuses click here.

For any questions regarding general medicine consultations, medical certificates for sports and/or Compulsory Education Units, etc., nursing care and psychological consultations for students, click here

Do you have a disability, permanent or temporary, visible or invisible?

Do you suffer from a debilitating illness that impacts the progress of your studies?

You can request to benefit from study and exam arrangements.

This is a medical opinion given after a consultation with a SSE doctor.

This medical consultation consists of evaluating the medical problem(s) likely to cause a student's disability situation within the university and proposing the necessary adjustments for the smooth running of the course, both for studies and/or passing exams (or competitions).

Your request for study accommodation from the SSE doctors must be anticipated well before the exam date. Allow sufficient time because the SSE doctors also provide other consultations and availability for an appointment may be, depending on the period, from more than a week to 10 days. In addition, putting the arrangements in place can also take some time.

Step 1: Gather your medical documents before your appointment at the SSE

Before coming to your appointment at the SSE, you will need to inevitably go see your doctor so that he can fill out a form.

This form is strictly confidential and must be submitted in a confidential envelope to THE SSE DOCTOR.

You will also need to come to your appointment with various documents: 

  • All recent medical documents relating to your situation: prescriptions, medical certificates, operation reports, hospitalization reports, consultation reports, additional examinations, speech therapy assessments, etc.;
  • Document or certificate issued by the MDPH (Departmental House for Disabled Persons)
  • Certificate/copy of previous arrangements

Step 2: Make an appointment at the SSE

You must make an appointment with a SSE doctor at the medical secretariat on your campus by going directly to reception or by calling: 

Moufia campus SSE: 0262 93 84 00

SSE of the Tampon campus: 0262 57 95 62

Third step : medical opinion

During the consultation, the doctor writes a medical opinion which suggests adjustments. Then, the students' disability mission and the school validate and decide on the implementation of these arrangements.

PLEASE NOTE: The medical opinion regarding study and examination arrangements given by SSE doctors is not mandatory. Some recommendations may not be followed by the disability mission and/or schooling.

PLEASE NOTE: wearing a mask is mandatory on SSE premises.

Whatever the reason for your visit to the SSE, have your health insurance card (or your certificate of entitlement), your mutual insurance certificate and your student card with you. 

Please arrive 5 minutes before your appointment time.


How to get here

Map of the Moufia Campus

Schedules and contacts

North part

University of Reunion
15 Avenue René Cassin – CS92003 – 97744 Saint-Denis Cedex 9
SSE North campus 
Telephone: 0262 93 84 00

Monday to Thursday from 08:00 a.m. to 16:30 p.m. all day
and Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 16:00 p.m. throughout the day


University of Reunion
117 Rue Général Ailleret 97430 Le Tampon
SSE South campus
Telephone: 0262 57 95 62

Monday to Friday from 08:00 a.m. to 16:00 p.m. all day

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