Sports associations

The Réunion University Sport League (LRSU) works in close collaboration with the SUAPS and brings together all the university sports associations of Réunion, managed nationally by the French University Sports Federation. (FFSU). The LRSU is also available to the UFR STAPS to collaborate, at their request, in their teaching and research mission. 

University associations affiliated with the LRSU:

RUC : Multi-sports association (north campus)

Outdoors : Outdoor association (north campus)

ASCUR : Outdoor and circus association (north campus)

ASUR : Multi-sports association (south campus)

The LRSU also has the objective, within its territorial jurisdiction and by delegation of the FF Sport U:

-  carry out missions consistent with the federal corporate purpose defined in article 1er of the statutes of the FF Sport U and to apply the federal policy and the resulting actions defined by the FF Sport U, of which it may be entrusted with the execution of part of the missions, and in particular to carry out the organization of university sports competitions at academic and conference level,

-  facilitate reconciliation between sporting practice at all levels and the pursuit of studies in higher education,

-  represent French university sport and the FF Sport U with regional sports authorities, public authorities, private institutional partners as well as, in general, any natural or legal person with a view to accomplishing the missions entrusted to it,

-  develop and strengthen relationships with other regional sporting bodies.

Actions in 2022

Administrative manager / Development manager: CHARLEMAGNE Maëva

League Office

President: SIMONNEAU Delphine

Vice President: PAYET Fabrice

Vice President: HOCHDOERFFER Thomas 

Treasurer POTIN Gaël

Contact us


LRSU – University of Reunion

Student Living Space 

15 rue avenue René Cassin, CS 92003 – 97744 Saint-Denis cedex 9

Phone: 0262 93 83 58

Created in 1971, ASCUR is currently managed by students, former student members and staff from the University of Reunion.

The mission of ASCUR is:

> from develop animation projects on the campus 

> from participate in the associative life of the university through different sporting activities

> ofassist in the completion of student projects in the field of sport, culture and entertainment

The association is open all year round to students, university staff, as well as external people wanting to actively participate in activities.

Contact us

ASCUR – University of Reunion

Student Living Space 

15 rue avenue René Cassin, CS 92003 – 97744 Saint-Denis cedex 9

President of the association : Gaël POTIN

Phone : 0262 93 83 58

Created in 1999, the Association for the Development of Réunion University Sport (ASUR) is the only multi-sport association present on the Tampon campus.

The association's mission is to:

develop sports practice by offering a range of varied and complementary activities to those of SUAPS

> ppropose outings, activities and sporting events friendly in the evenings or weekends

Contact us


ASUR – University of Reunion

Student Living Space 

117 rue Gén Ailleret 97430 Le Tampon

Phone : 0262 57 91 62

Welcome to all those who subscribe, welcome to the Great Air!

Whether you are already among our happy comrades, or whether you will soon join our tonn'air team, you are interested in our association and its character, and we send you our sincere thanks.

Grand Air, an association with air know-how

Grand Air is not a company with customers, but an association with members. Joining Grand Air is not about consuming the activities, it is about sharing, exchanging, and experiencing extraordinary moments of conviviality together, in the service of these ideas that move us forward.
We all have to contribute something, we all have something to contribute.
The words of our dear President, poet and philosopher in his spare time, illustrate all of this perfectly:
“Because at Grand Air, we want to think that the difference of cultures does not necessarily lead to the culture of differences, and that the difference is first and foremost an enrichment. »
“Because in the Great Air, we want to think that to have a lot to have a little is to have a lot together. »
“Because in the Great Air, we want to think that it is the light winds that make the great air. »
And it's thanks to what you bring, if only to be receptive and open to these ideas, but also when you put your know-how at the service of the association, when this nursery talent is expressed, — graphic designer, model maker, musician, journalist, photographer, etc. —, that the association gradually realizes its objectives.

(From the article by Yann, administrator & co-founder of the Grand air association).

More information on association website

The Réunion Université Club (RUC) association aims for competitiveness and omnisport. The association enlivens the campus with a set of regular sporting activities during the academic year.

The activities offered are:

Team sports : Sneakers, handball, volleyball, futsal, rugby touch

Individual sports : Badminton, trail running, table tennis

Maintenance sports : Hip hop, dancehall, bodybuilding, zumba

Combat sports and martial arts : Sambo, MMA, French boxing, English boxing, yoseikan budo

 In close collaboration with the CRSU, the RUC offers events throughout the year such as sports nights, the Ass'Olympiads and academic championships.

For more information, visit the SUAPS website.

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