BUs in practice
University libraries are present on the majority of university sites and campuses.
What do we find there?
Books and journals in Law, Economics, Management, French and Foreign Literature, Languages, History, Geography, Social Sciences, etc. as well as a research space on Reunion & the Indian Ocean.
You will also find:
- group work spaces
- a roomexposure
- un INA consultation station
- documentary DVDs
- a press area
- a workspace for doctoral students
- a nap room
- an Accessibility/Disability room (2022-2023 school year)
Two laboratory libraries are associated with the Common Documentation Service.
The CRJ library (legal research center)
The CEMOI library (Indian Ocean economics and management center)
Moufia campus
15 avenue Rene Cassin
CS 92003
97744 Saint-Denis Cedex 9
Such. Home: 0262 93 83 83
Access map (PDF) | Neighborhood map
Bus: lines 6 / 15 / 7 / 29
Opening times
Monday to Friday from 7:30 to 19h
Saturday from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.* (BU Sciences open from 12 p.m. to 16 p.m.)
* no Saturdays in January, July and August
Upcoming closures
Southern summer closure : not yet released
What do we find there?
Specialized documentation in educational sciences (pedagogy, educational environment, didactics of disciplines)
Preparation books for teaching exams
Educational materials: 1st and 2nd degree school textbooks, children’s literature
Educational games (Ludothèque area)
Campus Bellepierre
1 Allée des Aigues-Marines
97487 Saint-Denis Cedex 9
Such. reception: 0262 9043 18
Campus map (PDF) | Neighborhood map
Bus: lines 10 / 12
Opening times
Monday to Friday 7:30 a.m. to 18:30 p.m.
Upcoming closures
Southern summer closure : not yet released
- Library manager: Laurence MACÉ – laurence.mace@univ-reunion.fr – 0262 93 83 88
- Training representative: Hélène SAADA – helene.saada@univ-reunion.fr – 0262 93 80 77
What do we find there?
Books and scientific journals, but also:
- comics, manga
- documentary DVDs
- a press area
- group work spaces / a work space for Masters
Campus Bellepierre
1 Allée des Aigues-Marines
97487 Saint-Denis Cedex 9
Such. reception: 0262 9043 18
Campus map (PDF) | Neighborhood map
Bus: lines 10 / 12
Opening times
Monday to Friday 7:30 a.m. to 18:30 p.m.
Upcoming closures
Southern summer closure : not yet released
What do we find there?
Books and journals in psychology, sociology, law, educational sciences, sciences and sports, history and geography. But also :
- children's literature
- documentary DVDs
- a press area
- an art gallery (exhibitions all year round)
Tampon Campus
120 Avenue Raymond Barre
97430 Le Tampon
Such. reception: 0262 57 95 67
Access map (PDF) | Neighborhood map
Bus Alternéo line 2
CASUD buses lines 3-9-13-STA-Floribus
Yellow Bus Car lines S2-S6
Opening times
Monday to Friday 7:30 a.m. to 18:30 p.m.
Saturday from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.*
* no Saturdays in January, July and August
Upcoming closures
Southern summer closure : not yet released
What do we find there?
Books and scientific journals divided into 2 collections:
The IUT collection brings together all the documentation useful to students and researchers from the 7 departments of the IUT:
- Management of companies and administrations
- Social careers
- Civil Engineering
- Biological engineering
- Networks and telecommunications
- HSE: Health, safety, environment
- TC: Marketing techniques
The Health collection :
- University level medical books, journals and DVDs
- annals of the DFGSM2 and 3
- University level medical books, journals and DVDs
- annals of the DFGSM2 and 3
Holy Land Campus
40 Soweto Avenue
97410 Saint-Pierre
Such. reception: 02 62 70 98 31
Access map
Bus yellow coaches
Alternéo Bus – line 11 – stop Way of the cross jubilee
Alternéo Bus – Litto line – IUT stop
Casud bus – STD line – IUT stop
Bus for UFR Santé – Alternéo Litto line – Central Fac stop
Opening times
Monday to Friday from 7:30 to 18h
Upcoming closures
Southern summer closure : not yet released
What do we find there?
The libraries of the research laboratories of the UFR Law-Economy, the CRJ and CEMOI, operate in close liaison with the services of the Saint-Denis Droit-Lettres university library and have significant documentary resources, referenced in the BU catalog, whether in paper version (numerous works intended for research and main legal journals and economical) or in digital version.
CRJ: Access to all databases and electronic documentary funds from legal publishers (Lextenso, Dalloz, Lexis-Nexis, Lamyline, etc.) from the computer stations of teacher-researchers or from the desktop computer installed in the room of the documentation center available to young researchers. The center has more than 3500 works, subscriptions to periodicals, electronic resources and nearly 700 French legal theses.
CEMOI: The center provides young researchers (from Master 2) with several workstations with computers and online access, a meeting room, a photocopier and a scanner.
Moufia campus
Faculty of Law and Economics
15, avenue René Cassin
97744 Saint-Denis
CRJ: 3rd floor / CEMOI: 2nd floor
Such. Home: 0262 93 84 37
Access map (PDF) | Neighborhood map
Bus: lines 6 / 15 / 7 / 29
Opening times
Monday to Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 13:30 p.m. to 16:30 p.m.
Upcoming closures
Southern winter closure : from 15/07/2022 in the evening to 15/08/2022 inclusive