Book, send documents
You must first register at the BU (validation of the student card at the reception of your BU)
Make your reservations directly online on the BU catalog (20 documents maximum).
You will be notified by email of the arrival of the document in your BU, and it will remain available for 7 days at reception before being put back on the shelves.
You cannot reserve documents indicated: “on order” or “processing”, “non-reservable”.
Reserve your documents until the day before the tour of our vehicle, which usually takes place:
- BU Sciences and BU Law-Letters: every day except Saturday
- BU Education: Monday and Thursday
- IAE and La Résidence: Tuesday
- BU Tampon and BU Terre-Sainte: Thursday
Bring a document from a library in France or abroad: interlibrary loan (ILL)
Service reserved for BU registrants.
- The document is not in one of the BUs of Réunion: you checked in the BU catalog
- You have his exact references
Fill in the form or go to the PEB office (BU Saint-Denis Droit-Lettres and BU Tampon).
You will be notified by email upon receipt of the document.
PEB Nord: BU Saint-Denis Droit-Lettres (3rd floor)
Monday to Friday: 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 13 p.m. to 17 p.m.
Such. : 0262 93 83 34 / scdpeb[at]
- For members of the university community (students, teachers, staff), the loan and return of documents is done at the BU reception (DRC).
PEB South: BU Buffer (ground floor)
Monday to Friday: 8 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Such. : 0262 57 95 59 / pebsud[at]
- Outside of these hours, contact reception to collect or return your documents.