Disseminate your work

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The Reunion BUs cooperate with the components to ensure visibility and promotion of good student work.

What are we broadcasting on Dumas? Work at minimum bac+4 level, validated by a jury, and having obtained a minimum score of 16 can be distributed.

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For more info, get closer to your component

Doctoral theses

Libraries are responsible for processing, reporting, archiving and disseminating doctoral theses defended in their establishment. 

The theses from the University of La Réunion are all noted:

  Access to Theses.fr

How to submit your thesis? 

Doctoral students must submit the digital version of their thesis to the BU theses department. 4 weeks before defense.
>> See the complete doctoral journey on the Research website of the University of Reunion (“procedure file” and “checklist”).

What are the documents to provide?

Detailed sheet “Legal deposit of doctoral theses at the SCD of the University of Reunion”  
MEMO Add “bookmarks” to your PDF thesis
MEMO Test your thesis PDF on “Easy”

The BUs support you with training sessions throughout your thesis process.

BU-Theses slideshow :
visibility of your thesis, legal deposit before defense, key resources (update 30/03/2022).

E-mail : bu-theses[at]listes.univ-reunion.fr

National references for the thesis:

Medical practice theses

All medical practice theses defended are indicated:

  •  catalog of BUs in Reunion
  • in the Sudoc, French collective catalog of Higher Education libraries.
  • in DUMAS, open archive portal of student work validated by a jury with free access to the full text (except confidentiality or refusal of the author)

To be compliant, the filed version must meet all the conditions specified in the Rules of procedure concerning the theses of the UFR Santé.

Access Dumas-Réunion

How to submit the files?

Deposit takes place by appointment at the BU.

What documents must the student provide?

  • the defense version of the exercise thesis, in PDF format
  • le broadcast authorization form in signed version
  • the same form in dynamic digital version

Contact: bu-sante[at]univ-reunion.fr

Distribute your publications: HAL

The libraries support University researchers in the open access distribution of their scientific productions on the open archive HAL-Reunion

Access HAL-Réunion

More information on the BU website


Which publications should be deposited on HAL-Réunion? Journal articles According to the law for a digital Republic (2016), journal articles (old and new) can be deposited on HAL-Réunion without requesting the publisher's permission and by respecting three conditions: be published in a journal that appears at least once a year, deposit the corrected author version (i.e. the latest version sent to the publisher after correction), respect a six-month embargo for Sciences et Médecine, 12 months for Sciences humaines et sociales. Other documents: communication in a conference, chapter, book and book direction can be deposited on HAL-Réunion by referring to the contract signed with the publisher or by asking for permission. In the absence of a contract, you are free to deposit the author version of your publication. The research services of university libraries offer you: training and assistance with depositing in HAL-Réunion, referencing of publications and depositing the full text, assistance on open scientific communication strategies, advice on the compliance of research data with European and national requirements. archive-ouverte@univ-reunion.fr
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