Courses (Physical and Sports Activities)
The UEO, Open Teaching Unit, is a course that contributes to the enrichment of general culture, favoring an educational approach, potentially accessible to any undergraduate student at the University and giving rise to an evaluation.
How to register ?
- I choose my UEO on - From August 29 to September 20
- I created my “SUAPS” profile online on the registration form - Registration required
- I am doing my administrative registration at SUAPS
- Documents required :
- ID photo
- Proof of status (student card)
- Medical certificate (for diving only) – download model
- Documents required :
What assessments?
A UEO can only be chosen only once in the entire Bachelor course, unless it concerns WEU of a different level.
Some courses offer a level ofUEO of Improvement. For these activities it is strongly recommended to have a level of mastery in the activity, because the evaluation grid is more demanding.
In order to know the evaluation methods of the UEO, it is necessary to contact the teacher responsible for the activity.
A student can only be graded in only one UEO per semester. However, the student can attend several leisure sports activities simultaneously.
The UEO rating is subject to compliance with a rule of attendance and presence at evaluations.
At the end of a semester, the grade obtained in UEO is integrated into the general average of the student's training course.
It is possible to justify an absence for various reasons (all cases of force majeure left to the discretion of the training education managers), by sending the corresponding supporting documents to the teacher within 48 hours.
After 3 unjustified sessions thestudent will obtain ABI (Unjustified Absence) at his UEO (cf. Specific study regulations)
If you are in a UEO of Nature Sports (Diving, Sailing) you must inevitably participate in back-to-school meetings. If you do not participate you will not be able to follow the lessons.
NON-GRADE COURSES are courses offered to all students at the University of La Réunion. They allow you to discover new areas or activities, to perfect or acquire skills, to gain insight into a given theme.
These courses are free to choose by the student, up to a maximum of 3 per semester, depending on the places available in the course.
How to participate?
- Be administratively registered in the course (Please note, places are limited).
- Be diligent in classes (maximum 2 absences), otherwise the student is unregistered from the activity.
How to register ?
- I created my “SUAPS” profile online on the registration form - Registration required
- I am doing my administrative registration at SUAPS
- Documents required :
- ID photo
- Proof of status (student card)
- Medical certificate (for diving only) – download model
- Documents required :
- I register for activities (subject to availability)
For more information, visit the SUAPS website