Retirement of Professor Jean-Michel JAUZE
The opportunity to celebrate nearly 30 years of investment in the service of the institution, in the presence of the presidential team, the Regional Advisor Jean-Pierre CHABRIAT, the Dean of the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences as well as the decanal team of the component or many colleagues from the general administration, services, directorates and laboratories with whom Professor Jean-Michel JAUZE has collaborated in his career.
Professor Jean-Michel JAUZE was recruited at the University of Reunion in 1995, after having defended a doctoral thesis in Geography in 1994. Holder of an authorization to direct research (HDR), from the University of Paris IV-Sorbonne (2001), he has held a position as professor of Geography since 2003. He is currently an exceptional class 2 professor and has to his credit around a hundred scientific publications in the field of urban geography and urban planning. territories in the Mascarenes.
He has invested a lot in the functioning of the University through multiple functions: vice-dean Research of the UFR LSH (1997-1999), vice-dean Valorization of the UFR LSH (2003-2007), director from the Center for Research and Studies in Geography of the University of La Réunion (CREGUR) (2001-2012), co-director of the EA 12 Indian Ocean Spaces and Societies (OIES) since 2001, not including a certain number transversal missions as a member of the council and the office of the interdisciplinary Doctoral School (2007-2011), then of the LSHDE Doctoral School (2011-2012), appointed member of the office of the Scientific Council of the University of Reunion ( 2008-2012), member of the School Council of ESPE – INSP since 2013 and dean of the UFR LSH from 2012 to 2021.
In 2021, he was elected VPCA and led the establishment as provisional administrator.
The President of the University of La Réunion, Professor Frédéric MIRANVILLE, expressed the establishment's full gratitude to him for his unfailing commitment to the service of the institution, the general interest, colleagues, users and the territory more generally.